1、Kangaroo Leather 不是澳洲袋鼠的皮,而是南半球一种野生的兔子的皮。这种兔子以草为生,所以皮肤很嫩且富有弹性。由于这种特点被鞋厂看中,于是开始用这种野兔皮来制作足球鞋的材料。当然这种材料也是经过改良后的产物,毕竟普通的草食动物的表皮太硬了。在袋鼠皮的基础上,球鞋厂商又研制出来袋鼠皮革与人工合成革结合的鞋面(主要是为了适应不同的地形);袋鼠真皮与人造革拼接的鞋面等等产品。现在最好的袋鼠皮鞋面是kangal leather 和 kangalooskin two。 2、Nike TEMP Technology是一种新型的人造皮革,由美国NIKE公司研发的一种新型人造皮革技术。
其最大的特点是防水、防油性能优秀(一般的人造皮革遇水或遇油容易渗透并产生污迹)和良好的透气性(这点在人造皮革当中已经算是很好的了)。另外,TEMP Technology还具有耐磨性好的优点。不过TEMP Technology比较软,对球员的脚型要求相对要高一些,所以适合脚形比较完美的人穿。
3、Grip Control 是耐克新推出的一个系列. 这个系列的鞋子具有非常卓越的防滑效果,即使在雨天也可以提供非常好的抓地力;但是它的另一个缺点就是鞋面的摩擦系数太大而使得脚踝处的保护变差了很多....总之就是鱼和熊掌不可兼得吧~!不过对于喜欢盘带的人来说这是件好事,因为可以更好地控制球。目前这个系列只有一款T90,以后应该会出更多的系列。
4、F50 is a very flexible and lightweight boot designed to give the player more control over his pass, shot or dribble in any situation on the field of play. The F50 has an extremely soft and responsive synthetic leather upper with Nike's latest Flywire technology for a perfect fit that feels like you are not wearing a shoe at all. Its inner lining consists mainly of natural rubber which gives it good cushioning as well as better grip while playing. It also features a new Nike Zoom Air unit located under the heel for improved impact absorption when striking the ball.The outsole has been made from special rubber compound called "Swoosh Rubber" and have been designed for both indoor and outdoor use. This will make them suitable even for wet, greasy grassy pitches because they offer much greater traction than standard rubber soles do.