2.NBA官方解释是 A = offense T = defense NBA.com [Offensive Team] – “a team that has the primary responsibility of scoring points in a game and thus is made up primarily of offensive players” (offense)
NBA.com [Defensive Team] – “the side of the ball with which most defensive plays are run; it consists principally of those players whose responsibilities include defending the opposing team’s scorers. ”(defense)
3.我个人理解的是,在场上只负责得分而不需要负责篮板和防守的任务,这种球员就是A;反之就是T。这个划分并不是绝对的,对于不同位置不同身高体重和球风的球员而言,A与T并没有明显的界限,就像很多外线球员都喜欢冲抢篮板一样。 而且我认为一个球员是否拥有很好的投篮选择能力和视野是很重要的,这对于一名球员究竟是一名A还是一名T也是很重要的。